キリストに倣いて(1.3.2 真理を認めること)
And what have we to do with talk about genus and species! He to whom the Eternal Word speaketh is free from multiplied questionings.
From this One Word are all things, and all things speak of Him; and this is the Beginning which also speaketh unto us.
No man without Him understandeth or rightly Judgeth.
The man to whom all things are one, who bringeth all things to one, who seeth all things in one, he is able to remain steadfast of spirit, and at rest in God.
O God, who art the Truth, make me one with Thee in everlasting love.
It wearieth me oftentimes to read and listen to many things; in Thee is all that I wish for and desire.
Let all the doctors hold their peace; let all creation keep silence before Thee: speak Thou alone to me.