キリストに倣いて(1.3.3 真理を認めること)
The more a man hath unity and simplicity in himself, the more things and the deeper things he understandeth; and that without labour, because he receiveth the light of understanding from above.
The spirit which is pure, sincere, and steadfast, is not distracted though it hath many works to do, because it doth all things to the honour of God, and striveth to be free from all thoughts of self-seeking.
Who is so full of hindrance and annoyance to thee as thine own undisciplined heart?
A man who is good and devout arrangeth beforehand within his own heart the works which he hath to do abroad; and so is not drawn away by the desires of his evil will, but subjecteth everything to the judgement of right reason.
Who hath a harder battle to fight than he who striveth for self mastery?
And this should be our endeavour, even to master self, and thus daily to grow stronger than self, and go on unto perfection.