キリストに倣いて(1.8.1 あまりに親しく交わらぬこと)
「だれかれの差別なくあなたの心を打ち明けるな!」(集会書8.22) ただ賢明であって神を畏れる人に相談せよ。
CHAPTER VIII Of the danger of too much familiarity
Open not thine heart to every man, but deal with one who is wise and feareth God.
Be seldom with the young and with strangers.
Be not a flatterer of the rich; nor willingly seek the society of the great.
Let thy company be the humble and the simple, the devout and the gentle, and let thy discourse be concerning things which edify.
Be not familiar with any woman, but commend all good woman alike unto God.
Choose for thy companions God and His Angels only, and flee from the notice of men.