キリストに倣いて(1.20.1 独居沈黙を愛すること)
- Seek a suitable time for thy meditation, and think frequently of the mercies of God to thee. Leave curious questions. Study such matters as bring thee sorrow for sin rather than amusement. If thou withdraw thyself from trifling conversation and idle goings about, as well as from novelties and gossip, thou shalt find thy time sufficient and apt for good meditation. The greatest saint used to avoid as far as they could the company of men, and chose to live in secret with God.
CHAPTER XIX Of the exercises of a religious man
7. And if this be deffered, let us believe ourselves to be as yet ill-prepared, and unworthly as yet of the glory which shall be revealed in us at the appointed season; and let us study to prepare ourselves the better for our end.
Blessed is that servant, as the Evangelist Luke hath it, whom the Lord cometh He shall find watching. Verily I say unto you He will make him ruler over all that He hath.
CHAPTER XIX Of the exercises of a religious man
6. When we draw near the time of the great feasts, good exercises should be renewed, and the prayers of holy men more fervently besought. We ought to make our resolutions from one Feast to another, as if each were the period of our departure from this world, and of entering into the eternal feast. So ought we to prepare ourselves earnestly at solemn seasons, and the more solemnly to live, and to keep straightest watch upon each holy observance, as though we were soon to receive the reward of our labours at the hand of God.
CHAPTER XIX Of the exercises of a religious man
5. The duties which are not common to all must not be done openly, but are safest carried on in secret. But take heed that thou be not careless in the common duties, and more devout in the secret; but faithfully and honestly discharge the duties and commands which lie upon thee, then afterwards, if thou hast still leisure, give thyself to thyself as thy devotion leadeth thee. All cannnot have one exercise, but one suiteth better to this man and another to that. Even for the diversity of season different exercises are needed, some suit better for feasts, some for fasts. We need one kind in time of temptations and others in time of peace and quietness. Some are suitable to our times of sadness, and others when we are joyful in the Lord.
CHAPTER XIX Of the excercises of a religious man
4. If thou canst not be always examining thyself, thou canst at certain seasons, and at least twice in the day, at evening and at morning.
In the morning make thy resolves, and in the evening inquire into thy life, how thou hast sped to-day in word, deed, and thought; for in these ways thou hast often perchance offended God and thy neighbour.
Gird up thy lions like a man against the assaults of the devil; bridle thine appetite, and thou wilt soon be able to bridle every inclination of the flesh.
Be thou never without something to do; be reading, or writing, or praying, or meditating, or doing something that is useful to the community.
Bodily exercises, however, must ne undertaken with discretion, nor are they to be used by all alike.
CHAPTER XIX Of the exercises of a religious man
3. If a holy exercise be sometimes omitted for the sake of some act of piety, or of some brotherly kindess, it can easily be taken up afterwards; but if it be neglected through distaste or slothfulness, then is it sinful, and the mischief will be felt.
Strive as earnestly as we may, we shall still fall short in many things.
Always should some distinct resolution be made by us; and, most of all, we must strive against those sins which most easily beset us.
Both our outer and inner life should be straitly examined and ruled by us, because both have to do with our progress.
CHAPTER XIX Of the exercises of a religious man
2. According to our resolution so is the rate of our progress, and much deligence is needful for him who would make good progress.
For if he who resolveth bravely oftentimes falleth short, how shall it be with him who resolveth rarely or feebly?
But manifold causes bring about abandonment of our resolution, yet a trivial omission of holy exercises can hardly be made without some loss to us.
The resolution of the righteous dependeth more upon the grace of God than upon their own wisdom; for in Him they always put their trust, whatsoever they take in hand.
For man proposeth, but God disposeth; and the way of a man is not in himself.
CHAPTER XIX Of the exercises of a religious man
The life of a Christian ought to be adorned with all virtues, that he may be inwardly what he outwardly appeareth unto men.
And verily it should be yet better within than without, for God is a discerner of our heart, Whom we must reverence with all our hearts wheresoever we are, and walk pure in His presence as do the angles.
We ought daily to renew our vows, and to kindle our hearts to zeal, as if each day were the first day of our conversion, and to say, "Help me, O God, in my good resolutions, and in Thy holy service, and grant that this day I may make a good beginning, for hitherto I have done nothing!"
キリストに倣いて(1.18.6 聖父たちの模範)
CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers
6. O the coldness and negligence of our times, that we so quickly decline from the former love, and it is become a weariness to live, because of sloth and lukewarmness.
May progress in holiness not wholly fall asleep in thee, who many times hast seen so many examples of devout men!
キリストに倣いて(1.18.5 聖父たちの模範)
CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers
- O how great was the love of all religious persons at the beginning of this sacred institution! O what devoutness of prayer! what rivalry in holiness! what strict discipline was observed! what reverence and obedience under the rule of the master showed they in all things!
The traces of them that remain until now testify that they were truly holy and perfect men, who fighting so bravely trod the world underfoot.
Now a man is counted great if only he be not a transgressor, and if he can only endure with patience what he hath undertaken.
CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers
4. They were strangers to the world, but unto God they were as kingdom and friends.
They seemed unto themselves as of no reputation, and in the world's eyes contemptible; but in the sight of God they were precious and beloved.
They stood fast in true humility, they lived in simple obedience, they walked in love abd patience; and thus they waxed strong in spirit, and obtained great favour before God.
To all religious men they were given as an example, and they ought more to provike us unto good livings than the number of the lukewarm tempteth to carelessness of life.
CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers
3. They spent their whole time profitably; every hour seemed short for retirement with God; and through the great sweetness of contemplation, even the need of bodily refleshment was forgotten.
They renounced all reches, dignities, honours, friends, kinsmen; they desired nothing from the world; they ate the bare necessaries of life; they were unwilling to minister to the body even in necessity.
Thus were they poor in earthly things, but rich above measure in grace and virtue.
Though poor to the outer eye, within they were filled with grace and heavenly benedictions.
CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers
2. O how many and grievous tribulations did the Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, endure; and all others who would walk in the footstep of Christ.
For they hated their souls in this world that they might keep them unto life eternal.
O how strict and retired a life was that of the holy fathers who dwelt in the desert! what long and grievous temptations they did suffer! how often were they assaulted by the enemy! what frequent and fervid prayers did they offer unto God! what strict fasts did they endure! what fervent zeal and desire after spiritual profit did they manifest! how bravely did they fight that their vices might not gain the mastery! how entirely and steadfastly did they reach after God!
By day they laboured, and at night they gave themselves offtimes unto prayer; yea, even when they were labouring they ceased not from mental prayer.
CHAPTER XVIII Of the example of the Holy Fathers
Consider now the lively examples of the holy fathers, in whom shone forth real perfectness and religion, and thou shalt see how little, even as nothing, is all that we do.
Ah! What is our life when compared to theirs?
They, saints and friends of Christ as they were, served the Lord in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakedness, in labour and weariness, in watchings and fastings, in prayer and holy meditations, in persecutions and much rebuke.
CHAPTER XVII Of a religious life
3. Thou art called to endure and to labour, not to a life of ease and trifling talk.
Here therefore are men tried as gold in the furnace.
No man can stand, unless with all his heart he will humble himself for God's sake.